BOT WAR! 2nd Edition F.A.Q.
Q. On page 17 of the rulebook the Air support Super ability costs 2 Energy cubes and says a model may triple its movement and on page 20 Ram Attack says a model may add 3 inches to its movement. Do I have to pay 2 cubes for teh ability and then pay 1 cube to move?
A. You pay 2 cubes to activate the Super Ability, some Super Abilities such as Air Support and Ram Attack state that a move is made as part of the ability. You do Not have to pay a cube for this ability associated movement. The Super Ability counts as One activation including any associated move.
Q. How many Energy Cubes can I pay to boost a single action?
A. As per Page 15 of the rule book you may boost once per model per dice roll. For example you can pay one Energy Cube to add a red shield dice as the defender per attack. When attacking at short range or in close combat you may pay one Energy Cube to add one purple attack die to your roll per activation. This applies even if the model has a 0 for the stat: RA, CA, Sh that they are boosting.
Q. If a model is eliminated what happens to its Energy Cubes
A. Any cubes on the model that have not been used are lost. Any cubes that the model generated that have been placed on another model remain and can be used by the model they have been placed on freely until the next Power Up phase at which point the eliminated model no longer generates Energy Cubes.
Q. When can a model move into base to base contact with an opposing model?
A. Only when it can see that model (it is within line of sight) at the beginning of its turn.
Q. How is line of sight determined?
A. As per page 16 of the rulebook All Line of Sight is determined from the eye level of the model that is activating. By default there is no limit in inches to line of sight, if from the eye level of the active model the target model is visible at all you have line of sight. Some effects such as invisibility and blinded may modify this.
Q. How does Blinded affect line of sight?
A. Page 23 of the rulebook states that If a model with this rule damages the target, the damaged models Line of Sight is reduced to 2″ for its next activation. This limitation is imposed on all actions the affected model makes during its next activation. For example if there was an opposing model 3 inches away you would not be able to move into base to base contact with it as it was not visible at the start of the model’s activation. To be able to target an opposing model with ranged attack the active model would need to first move to within 2 inches of the opposing model.
Q. How does Invisibility affect line of sight?
A. Pages 27-28 of the rule book state Any enemy models wishing to target the model in any way will have a line of sight of 1″. This means if a model has invisibility active during the turn any opposing models would need to move to within 1 inch to be able to target the invisible figure with a ranged attack and would have had to started their first activation within 1 inch to be able to move into base to base contact.
Q. On page 13 of the rulebook it says you by moving the attacking model 1″ away from the defending model. Can you disengage from multiple opponents in base to base contact?
A. You may only disengage if all opponents in base to base contact have been damaged by the disengaging model during their activation. For example, if in contact with two opposing models if you used the first activation to attack opponent 1 and dealt at least one point of damage then used activation 2 to attack opponent 2 and dealt at least one point of damage you would then be able to disengage from both models provided there was a way to move out of base to base contact of both models. When disengaging you must disengage from ALL opponents or none of them.
Q. On page 13 of the rulebook it says you by moving the attacking model 1″ away from the defending model. Can you disengage from contact and use the 1 inch movement from the disengage to move into base to base contact with another opposing model?
A. No, Disengaging requires moving 1 inch away from the engaged models that have been damaged by the model attempting to disengage.
Q. When both side have a reroll from special rules like pugilist,sharpshooter or combat sword who re-rolls first?
A. Activation of special rules will always start with the active model. For example Tyrannus is attacking War Duke in Close Combat. After both sides declare whether they are boosting Tyrannus rolls his attack dice and and War Duke rolls his shield dice. As the active model Tyrannus now has the option to use the pugilist special rule to reroll one of his dice. Once he has rerolled or passed War Duke may use Combat Sword to choose one purple attack die for Tyrannus to reroll.
Q. How does Air Support work with impassable terrain?
A. As per page 17 of the Rulebook the model may triple its movement over terrain or intervening models. It may not end its move on impassable terrain. This means Models with Air Support must obey all the normal rules for movement, just because they have Air Support doesn’t mean they move like a Dedicated Flyer that can move through and finish on impassable terrain. This means if a model with Air support activates their Super Ability and opts to move to an impassable area, for example, the top of a building, they will be unable to move off of the impassable terrain in subsequent activations unless they have the ability to use another Super Ability such as Triple Changelings.
Q. If a model has multiple re-rolls can they re-roll a re-roll?
A. No, all re-rolls are declared and executed after the initial roll. For example a model with Lucky could declare 2 separate dice from the same roll and re-roll each die once or they could declare 1 die and re-roll it and save the second re-roll for later in the turn. They could not opt to reroll a second time after the re-roll step.
Q. Who activates first when a force contacts Valiants and allied models?
A. As per page 10 of the rulebook Valiants will always go first. If both Factions are the same class, for example Infesters vs Deceivers then toss a coin or roll a D6 at the start of the game to determine who activates first in instances of tied Strategy Ratings. If a force contains both Valiants and models from another faction at the start of the game the players will roll off as normal with the Player with valiants rolling for their non-Valiant models and the Opponent rolling for their entire force. For example Player A fields Valiant, Beastlord and Democracy and faces Player B’s Atlantican and Deceiver force. Player A rolls a 2 while Player B rolls a 4. The order of activation when Strategy ratings are tied for this game would be Player A’s Valiants, Player B’s force then Player A’s non-Valiant models.
If both forces contained Valiants they would roll off as normal. EG. Player A fields Valiants and Beastlords, while Player B fields Valiants and Democracy. Player A rolls a 6 and Player B rolls a 2. The order of Activation for this game when strategy ratings are tied would be Player A’s Valiants, Player B’s Valiants, Player A’s Beastlords, Player B’s Democracy.
Q. On page 19 in the Firepower Super Ability rules it states “Should the friendly model be removed as a casualty or the Super Ability end, the model immediately returns to regular bot mode 2″ away from the friendly model. This Super Ability may be maintained for a cost of 2 Energy Cubes at the start of every activation. If not maintained, the model immediately returns to regular bot mode 2″from the model who was carrying it.” Does this mean the model with firepower could be placed within 2” of the friendly carrying model and in Base to Base contact with an opposing model?
A. No, The only time you can move into Base to Base contact is during a movement activation or a Ram attack. Forced movement from effects such as Firepower, hide, combiner, disengage etc cannot finish with a model in base to base contact with an opposing model.
Q. Scenario 2 Red Crystals. On page 47 it says “The last Ruby Crystals deposit on the table is not removed but continues to yield after every harvest.” How is this decided if all the remaining deposits will be claimed on the same turn?
A. In the event that all the remaining deposits will be claimed resolve each deposit in Strategy rating order of the claiming models. If for example there is a SR 4 and an SR 10 model from the same side within 2” of the same deposit it is resolved and removed if applicable at SR 4.
Q. Disorientate – On Page 25 it states “Once activated, every model friend or foe within 10″ (excluding itself), loses 1 red Shield dice from any shield roll they need to make for the remainder of that turn.” Does this effect apply to models within the area of effect if they subsequently move out of the 10” radius?
A. No, this is an active area effect not an applied effect. If a model moves outside of the 10” area or the model causing the effect is removed they no longer lose the red shield die. Conversely, if a model moves into the 10”radius during their activation they Will be affected by Disorientate for the remainder of the turn and will lose the shield die even though they weren’t within 10” when the ability was activated.