Well, February is well and truly over and with it the Painting Challenge has officially come to an end!
A big shout out to everyone who participated! This year the Painting Challenge really did have the emphasis on the CHALLENGE side of things, proving to be a month-long gruelling painting marathon.
One of the hardest things about doing this wrap-up is having to acknowledge that not everyone was able to complete it, with some people missing out by the barest of margins.
So, to go back over the Challenge rules…in order to successfully complete the Painting Challenge, a participant must:
1) Have fully painted at least 14 Traders Galaxy miniatures. The painting of these miniatures must commence and conclude entirely within the month of February.
2) Paint these models for at least 30 minutes each day.
3) Create a post on the Facebook page for their Painting Challenge, picturing the models they will paint (though more could be added as the month progressed). Each and every day they are to add a comment to that post (tagging Cornelius) with a photo of the paint work that was done that day. Missing this would count as failing the challenge.
Needless to say, this all sounds fairly simple, but in practice is quite the challenge. Of the 15 people who started the Challenge, 10 managed to successfully run the course.
So, on to the juicy goodies! PRIZES!!
This is the award that goes to everyone who managed to fulfill all of the above rules.
Congratulations to Barron G, Cornelius S, David C, Judd J, Ken H, Leigh S, Mark S, Sami M, Sebastian S and Richard W!
You have the ‘Traders Galaxy Sampler coming your way*!
The Sampler consists of 3 models. The alt pose ‘Charging’ Swordana Bladefast, a Traders Galaxy Crossbowman and a Rise of the Democracy Mini (either the Atlantican Diplomat or a C.O.I.L.S. Blood Skull Guardsman.
This is the award that goes to the hobbyist who painted the greatest number of Broken Skies Miniatures.
Congratulations to Mark S, with 13 (plus) Broken Skies minis painted.
You have 2 packs of Deceivers Jets coming your way*!
This is the award that goes to the hobbyist who painted the greatest number of Rise of the Democracy miniatures.
Congratulations to Ken H, with 24 RotD minis painted and 4 not far off.
You have a ‘Democracy Special Branch – Tom Rockford and John Burton’ coming your way*!
This is the award that goes to the hobbyist who painted the most miniatures overall.
Despite Richard W painting up an impressive 38 models of Overlords and Atlanticans….Congratulations to Mark S, painting a massive 43 models!
You have a starter box of your choice coming your way*!
Finally, a special request from me for each participant to post a picture of your final work in the comments
*Prizes will be sent with your next order. If you use a store, the prize will be sent with the next store order.
Some examples of the amazing work Traders Galaxy customers have put in to this year’s challenge –