For years the governments under C.O.I.L.S influence worked ceaselessly to hide the true history of the Dinosaurs because doing so obscured the truth to humanity’s eventual ascension to godhood. Hid the fact that like everything, the law of entropy affected humanity in just the same way that it affected everything else. But C.O.I.L.S and its enigmatic cult did not want this to be known, because while it wasn’t known, they alone had the power to guide humanity in their own direction.
But in reality the Dinosaurs, once thought to be millions of years old, a number hardly comprehensible to anyone, were in fact living only thousands of years old, some even hundreds of years old. As enemies of the Democracy, The Red Star Nations were well aware of this deception, but it served their own purposes to also propagate the lie. After all, if humanity was derived from these bestial creatures, then humanity was simply just another animal that could be sacrificed for the greater good of the herd. And in nature, animals that are weak, or those that deviate from the herd are killed.
Of all the Dinosaur DNA exhumed, the Tyrannosaurus Rex was one that the Red Star had secretly had on hand for some years. A thighbone having been pulled from the ground with soft marrow tissue, proof that the Dinosaurs were not millions of years old.
In reality, the dragons were a common and mostly terrible sight for early humanity. Great efforts were made to keep them away from habitable areas. Even before the Elemental wars Aethical had set boundaries to exclude the dragons from the civilisations under his protection.
Whilst the Destroyer and Leviathan often allowed the dragons to hunt their followers as cruel sport. Golems or Oceanids would even goad the dragons into areas to help “facilitate” these events. But of all the realms of dragons, Volcano’s was the worst. And as a result, Volcano had few living followers.
Terransaun’s realm was different. Here dragons and humanity lived in harmony. Humanity being the masters and for the most part the dragons being their beasts of burden.
This all changed with the Elemental wars. The Elementals were destroyed and in those cataclysms the dragons were mostly destroyed too. Few survived, and those that did survive became the enemies of humanity, attacking livestock and fair maidens alike.
In honour of the Beastlords and their battle against the Elementals, brave men encased themselves in steel and with steed and lance did battle against the dwindling dragons, eventually ridding the Earth of these ferocious and terrible creatures. And thus through these great deeds Knights Errant would often earn the respect of a Beastlord patron.
Knowing this true history of the dragons, there was much debate within Red Star command as to whether these vanquished beasts should be resurrected once more. Eventually, Red Star command chose an uncertain future with dragons versus certain extinction by Shark Kaiju without dragons and it was decided to experiment on the green ooze obtained from Gorg’s ship by the Red Star Spetsnaz team. The results were remarkable to say the least. First it was tried on two the heroes of the Motherland that had terminal injuries. Then it was used to create the cyborg legionnaires. The miniscule doses having strange properties capable of fusing metal and circuitry to flesh. Then larger doses were used with ancient DNA which not only fused metal and circuitry to flesh but also greatly magnified the growth of the subjects. Thus the Dinoborgs were created.
Some within Red Star command are still against the Dinoborg project despite the results so far being in the positive. The Dinoborgs ferocity exceeded that of the Shark Kaiju and Gorg’s progeny were pushed back into the Northwest away from the ravaged capital.