The Beat Em Up Game has been super popular despite the full COILS campaign still being in development.
The following are some development notes –
Setting up the board –
The rules currently stat that the Games Master sets up each zone once the heroes enter it. But its perfectly ok (and probably easier if time is an issue) to preset the entire table with terrain, power ups and interactive terrain.
Combos –
Combos are all calculated on the initial roll (after any non combo related rerolls). So this means combos cannot change mid roll to a different combo by adding a second roll generated by the first combo to the remaining first combo dice. But should enough dice be rolled to generate a new combo with just those rolled dice then yes a second combo is possible.
Heroic Abilities –
More Heroic Abilities specific to Beat Em Up are coming soon as well as more power ups.
Stat and Spawn Cards –
I have just updated the stat and spawn cards to take the COILS campaign up to Level 3. Spawn Cards for additional secret characters and levels 4 and 5 will follow soon. COILS Carnival characters will be released in early 2024.